(239) 418-1939
Mon-Fri 9.00-5:00

Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

(239) 418-1939
10181 Six Mile Cypress Parkway, Suite B

Fort Myers, FL 33966

7 Risks to Your Retirement

Most of us look forward to retirement, imagining that we’ll get to relax and enjoy activities we haven’t had time for such as traveling, reading, and exercising. However, as pre-retirees transition into full retirement, many don’t realize they are crossing the threshold into an entirely new way of living, one in which they’re increasingly vulnerable [...]

Hard Lessons of Stock Market History

If you’re like most people, you believe there’s a great deal of truth in the old adage that history tends to repeat itself more often than not. That’s an important adage to keep in mind when it comes to saving and investing for retirement because it allows you to get a glimpse into the future [...]